Cook Book


Start getting your recipes to Cindy Kaufman ( for the

cook book that will be for sale at the quilt show in 2014. Be sure to double

check for accuracy. Below are the categories. Your name and the category

should be on each recipe.

Appetizers and snacks Homemade Mixes

Beverages Pies

Breads Cakes and Frostings

Breakfast and Brunch Cobblers

Salads Cookies and Bars

Salad Dressings and Vinaigrettes Crisps, Grunts and Betty’s

Salsas and Pesto Doughnuts and Brownies

Marinades Candy

Slaws Gifts from the kitchen

Meats and Main Dishes Misc. Recipes

Seafood Pickles, Relishes and Conserves

Casseroles Condiments

Side Dishes

Helpful Hints for Cooking


Helpful Hints for Quilting

Soups, Stews, Chili, Etc. Substitutions and Conversions

Dumpling Charts


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